In LARGE bowl, combine DRY INGREDIENTS, and set aside.
In medium pan, heat LIQUID INDREDIENTS until warm, and honey is liquid.
Pour warmed LIQUID INGREDIENTS over the grain/nut mixture in large bowl. Mix WELL.
Divide between 3 Sprayed 9" x 13" baking dishes, or you can use a couple large baking sheets. (OR, if you don't have multiple pans, you can bake one pan full, in shifts.) You don't want the pans very full, so they brown faster.
Bake at 325 degrees at 10-15 minute intervals. Space your pans evenly in the oven, so the heat can circulate. SET YOUR TIMER! (Ask me how I know....) To stir, take out of oven, and carefully stir, making sure the edges and bottom are scraped and mixed well. Do this every 10-15 minutes, and rotate pans in oven.
Watch CLOSELY towards the end of the baking time. You want the granola to be golden brown, not "crispy" brown! This is too much precious effort to waste because you were pre-occupied, trust me! ***Different pans bake differently-some are quicker than others.
When golden, take from oven to cooling racks, and let cool, stirring carefully every 15 minutes, until it's completely cool. This stirring, after it's out of the oven, is just to cool it more evenly, and to break it up. The granola will crisp up as it cools.
OPTIONAL: This is when you would add dried fruit. 1-2 cups ****dried fruit of your choice.
When COMPLETELY cool, promptly put in airtight jars or containers. Plastic bags work, but are very sub-par, because, for some reason, unknown to me, they don't keep the humidity out for long term storage, and you end up with tough granola. Store in a cool dry place.