Well, here we are…. Julie of the High Plains. I suppose I ought to start by actually saying it… WELCOME!—and if you’ve found your way here, chances are we have a few things in common. Anywhere we live, life has a way of keeping us way too busy, and on our toes, or running around in circles somedays, but it can also have a soothing rhythm all its own, IF we will slow down and let it.

Mornings around here start with coffee in hand, sitting in the dark, watching the stars….enjoying the quiet….the sunrise, and then, the day begins.
I have a sign that’s hanging on our living room wall, with one of my favorite sayings….just one word – “SIMPLIFY“. (My husband says, “Wouldn’t it be simpler to just not put a sign up?” Well…..no…!!!) Maybe it’s kind of an oxymoron, using all this technology, and striving to share simplicity, but here we are! Do you yearn for it too? Maybe your life seems to be moving too fast. Maybe you just want to slow down, and enjoy what’s flitting by. Hopefully, what I share here can help you and I both along the trail of just slowing down and enjoying a slower life–even if it’s just a morsel here and there.

My chores in winter, consist feeding and loving on our menagerie of pets, letting my ladies, (i.e., chickens) out of their coop and watching them run around like they own the place, and of course, they do.

…and always, the SKY!
Is the sky LARGE where you are? Do you notice it? It is SPECTACULAR out here! Stars by night, and fluffy clouds, sunrises and sunsets by day! And, of course, sometimes the “spectacular” comes in the form of a fierce thunderstorm, complete with lightening, hail and ferocious wind—more on that later!
We had a friend here a few years ago, and a late night thunderstorm came up, and he came tearing down the stairs and went and stood out in the driveway in awe, because, where he came from, it was rainy, but never did they have storms like ours!

Winter is slower, and yet still busy…..I have a little friend that comes to see me everyday after preschool, so she keeps me hopping and entertained! I’ve had a lot of little friends come to me through the years–while their mamas are working, I get to play! 🙂
Most summer days are a mix of dirt under my fingernails, from playing in the garden, and wondering what’s for supper.
It’s not fancy, but it’s home, and to me, home is a good place. So, if you like good food, I’ll share some recipes, good company, even the four-legged kind, (you can meet them here), and just some down-home kind of chats and tips, you’re in the right place. Grab a chair—I’ll put the coffee on.
Thanks for coming and sharing my porch with me today! Let’s do it again, soon!

Good Thoughts!
“You are more than what you get done today.”
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