Meet Breeze, our sweet, goofy, 1/2 Golden Retriever, 1/2 Golden Lab. She THINKS she is the equivalent of “Hank”–you know…. “Head of Ranch Security”, and we just let her think so. She loves to carry her stuffed animals around in her mouth. When someone pulls up, she frantically runs and looks for her latest one and grabs it before she goes and greets them. Everyone loves Breeze, and Cloud is no exception! They have been friends since Breeze came into the family at 7 months old. That was in 2018!
Cloud is one of our 100% barn-cat turned porch-pet! He is a bit skittish if anyone or anything is new or different, and he talks a lot, but he’s ours, and we like him!

This is Geronimo. He is our daughters baby–as in, he was abandoned, and she bottle fed him, and spoiled him, and he grew into this humongous, beautiful, spoiled piece of feline humanity! He thinks that as long as everyone thinks he’s beautiful, he can act any way he wants. i.e., He’s very lovey…’til he’s not! And on the flip side, he is just a big baby! He LOVES to chew and play with shoe laces, hood laces, any kind of laces! Silly boy!

This cutie is Flower. This day she sat like that for a long time, just watching people come in and out of the front door. 🙂 She is the newest addition to our family. Awhile back, she just appeared on our doorstep, kind of skittish, but with lots of lovin’ she realized we wouldn’t hurt her, so she settled in!

These are my darling chickies on their first night of learning to roost last spring! I went out to put them on their roost, opened the door, and here the little darlin’s were — lined up on the 2 x 4, SMACK up against the door! 🙂 The 2 x 4 is supposed to keep the wood shavings in the house! Chickens are so fun! Read about how you should get your own HERE.

Here are some of the treasures my ladies present me with every day! Little gold nuggets right now, with the prices being what they are!
Thanks for sharing my porch with me today! Let’s do it again, soon!

Good Thoughts!
“Be the person your dog thinks you are.”