Greetings! I’m Julie—farm wife, mom, and someone who believes the simple things in life are the best things. Give me a quiet morning in the garden, a porch full of pets, the happy clucking of my chickens, and a good cup of coffee, and I’m set.

It kind of seems like a couple of good oxymoron’s – to try to share simplicity, and quiet living through all this technology, and being the introvert that I am, to invite the world onto my front porch for a visit, but here we are. 🙂

I aim for this little space of mine to be like a front porch chat with an old friend—nothing fancy, just bits of everyday life that might bring a smile or a little calm in the middle of a busy day. Also, I hope to share a few good recipes, useful home remedies, and just plain old everyday living tips, that make life a bit easier.

So pull up a chair, get comfy, and stay awhile. You’re always welcome here.