3 Girls with mustaches made from Cotton Candy.

Some things just have to be told.

Some things, like what Cotton Candy is called in South Africa- Afrikaans to be exact. Are you ready? Drum Roll………Ghost’s Breath! What a PERFECT name! A perfect description for this airy, summer treat! When our friend from Durbin told us that, I just hee-hawed! I had him repeat it several times, because I couldn’t believe I heard him right! “Spookasem” is the actual Afrikaans word that means Ghost’s Breath, and don’t ask me to pronounce that, but Ghost’s Breath? Perfection! They also call it Candy Floss, which apparently quite a bit of the rest of world does too, (that was news to me also). That is a very appropriate name also, but just not quite as perfect as Ghost’s Breath!!

As our girl would say: “Tell me you’re a hick from the high plains, without telling me that you’re a hick from the high plains.” HA HA

Cotton Candy Fan Story

Our daughter is, and always has been a HUGE fan of Cotton Candy. While she was growing up, it was a twice per summer special treat–once at the Tractor Show, and again the next week at our county fair.

booth on a funfair in the evening
Photo by Logan mayes

Fun story: once, during Covid, she was working from home, and asked me to bring her a Cotton Candy from the Tractor Show. SO, being the good mama that I am, I agreed.

NOTE: it took about 3 minutes to walk to the car, and 10 minutes to drive from the Tractor Show to our house.

NOTE: when I bought the cotton candy, it was a nice, BIG, healthy portion of Cotton Candy on a stick.

NOTE: when I arrived home to give her her precious treat, it had become a little, tiny, glob of cotton candy on the stick–about the size of a baseball, more or less.

She was not impressed. I was though, because I had never seen that kind of magic before!! Apparently, it was humid that day, which is a novelty in it’s own right out here, but it also causes the magic disappearance of the Ghost’s Breath!

cute girl eating cotton candy
Photo by RDNE

And that’s about all I’m gonna say about Ghost’s Breath, aka Cotton Candy, aka Candy Floss. Glad I could help stretch your knowledge base today!

Thanks for coming…’til next time

Good Thoughts

A typical bag of cotton candy contains less sugar and calories than a can of soda. National Cotton Candy Day is December 7!

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