An image of a crying child, and one of a calm happy family eating breakfast, with the words 14 Tips for Pleasant Mornings!

14 Tips for Pleasant Mornings!

We’ve all had them…..mornings where we’ve over slept, whether on purpose….”just give me 5,10,30 minutes more,” or on accident…”AACCKK! It’s already 7:30!!” And, because of those few “blissful” minutes, our planned, pleasant mornings turned into rushing, loud voices, and tears kind of mornings! And AGAIN, we were reminded that this is NOT working–we NEED to…

Simple Baked Macaroni and Cheese – The Ultimate!

I cannot tell a lie……I love recipes that are fast and easy.   Of course, there are lots of recipes that I’m very willing and happy to make that AREN’T fast and easy, BUT, they are my second love, mostly!  While this Ultimate Simple Baked Macaroni and Cheese recipe takes an hour to bake, it…